Name | : Sotharith Phon |
Student Number | : 19/444652/PTP/01694 |
Study Program | : Master of Food Science and Technology |
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Thesis Title | : Purification and Characterization of Thermostable Protease from Brevibacillus sp. Isolated From Sikidang Crater and Dieng Plateau, Central Java, Indonesia |
Description | : Proteases, proteinases, or peptidases are unique name of enzyme that exist their own specific function of degrading the protein molecules into short chain peptides and amino acid. Thermostable enzymes or another called thermozymes commonly synthesized from thermophilic microorganism at the thermophile condition which optimal growth temperature more than 60 oC and at the hyperthermophiles with optimal growth temperatures more than 80 oC. The purpose of this research precisely in order to purify and characterize the thermostable proteases produced from thermophilic brevibacillus sp. To achieve the objective of this research, there are some specific importantly methods will be done. The protease assay using solid medium should be preliminarily done to find out whether brevibacillus sp. is absolutely able to release the protease at the optimum growth condition. Moreover, it should be followed by optimizing the protease activity using liquid medium to make sure at what time and temperature which proteases released from brevibacillus sp. are able to effectively activate. Following by the second method, there are two quite vital methods will be done including protease assay by Folin & Ciocalteu’s method and protein concentration by Bradford method. In addition, the protease purification then should be conducted to obtain the crude enzyme by using ammonium sulfate and following by Sephadex G-75. And then the characteristics of protease will be processed including molecular weight of purified enzyme by SDS-PAGE, optimum temperature, pH, and stability of pured protease, organic solvent and inhibitor effect, and ended by enzyme kinetic assay. Regarding on this research, the expectation of the optimum temperature should be 70 oC and the optimum pH of protease should be 8. |