Name | : Nabila Faradina Iskandar |
Student Number | : 18/437656/PTP/01673 |
Study Program | : Master of Food Science and Technology |
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Thesis Title | : Characterization of Thermostable Recombinant Alfa Amylase and Identification of Oligosaccharides From Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume)Â Liquefaction Process |
Description | : Glucomannan is a non-ionic, water-soluble polysaccharide consisting of D-mannose and D- glucose connected with alfa-1,4 linkage. The ratio between the monomers depends on the glucomannan source. Glucomannan is known for its high viscosity, water absorption and swelling, which offer benefits in industrial applications of food and non-food products. Porang impurities that encapsulated the glucomannan granule are dominated by starch. It is interacts with glucomannan and affects its properties, reducing its viscosity and increasing its turbidity. Hydrolysis using alfa-amylase has been applied to break starch down into smaller sugar units. Due to specific enzyme activity, alfa-amylase only cleaves the alfa-1,4 glycosidic linkage of starch and leaves the uncleaved beta 1,4 glycoside of glucomannan. The isolation of bacterial strains from extreme environments is supposed to provide new enzymes with particular characteristics. Thermostable alfa- amylase is needed in the starch liquefaction process. Starch liquefaction is a process of partial hydrolysis of starch that occurs at high temperatures. |